Buck Mk Asante

MK Asante, author of the memoir 'Buck,' talks to NBC Black about rendering his story in multiple forms - book, music, film - to reach as many people as possible. Story by Candace King. MK Asante was born in Zimbabwe to American parents: a mother who led the new nation’s dance company and a father who would soon become a revered pioneer in black studies. But things fell apart,. BUCK By: MK Asante Philadelphia in 1990's Mental Illness in the Black Community The racial and ethnic population changes in the 1990's The philidiphia white population decreased nearly by a third. As the black communtiy shifted to new parts in the city while the asian population. MK Asante was born in Zimbabwe, but the first time we meet him is in 'Killadelphia, Pistolvania'. His family is out of control, and consequently, so is he. His brother is deep into gang life, running guns and drugs. Free download or read online Buck: A Memoir pdf (ePUB) book. The first edition of the novel was published in January 1st 2013, and was written by M.K. The book was published in multiple languages including, consists of 272 pages and is available in ebook format. The main characters of this autobiography, memoir story are,. The book has been awarded with, and many others.

1. In the beginning of the book, Malo talks about his brother Uzi and how he looks up to him, what kinds of things do you believe influenced Uzi which ultimately influenced Malo?

2. Do you believe that Uzi is Malo’s reason for wanting to be in a gang and selling drugs, if so why?

3. Malo’s mother suffers from depression, what are some of the things that she wrote inside of her journal that lets you know this and what significance do you think it serves to the book?

4. In the book M.K speaks about education and mis education and shares his personal experience, what do you believe he means by mis education and do you believe it played a role in him not wanting to attend school?

5. What are some of the reasons why Malo is upset with his father and what reasons does his father give for leaving?

6. What happens when Malo’s mother finds the drugs in his room? What are the consequences that follow Malo for his behavior?

7. Malo talks about his bestfriend Amir, what happens to Amir in the book and what did he give Malo?

8. Malo’s brother Uzi ends up in jail and then off on his own, why do you believe Uzi is the way that he is and do you believe Malo changed because of him?

Buck Mk Asante Quotes

9. Nia is Malo’s girlfriend within the book, what kind of person is she, and do you believe she influenced him to change?

Buck Mk Asante Summary


Buck Mk Asante Sparknotes

10. How has the book expanded or changed your point of view of society and do you believe that Buck speaks for your generation, why or why not, Explain.