
The answer for Windows 7 does not work as Windows 10 does not have a 'computer' link to access after hitting the Start button. I came up with an API to my Spotify Tray Player. This player is an Electron app that I use daily. This API doesn’t necessarily need to run in an electron app. It can also just be a service. I am not going into details how this I developed this, as it is a bit too specific, and might not work on another device/environment.

  1. Max Tray Player
  2. Triplayer
  3. Pioneer Pd-v0310g Twin Tray Player
  4. Triplayer Switch

Tray Player Lite is a free app that allows you to play audio files on your computer. This tiny player quickly sorts through the files that you Drag & Drop into the app, and plays only the files that contain audio.

Tray player download

In addition to MP3 files, Tray Player Lite supports the following formats: MP3, M4A, WAV, AIFF, CAF, MP4, MP2, MP1, AAC, AU, M4R, TS, MOV, QT, MPG, 3G2, VOB.

The controls on this player resemble those of a hand-held MP3 player: Play, Pause, Rewind, Fast-forward. Select from 3 play modes: in order (Sequential), Loop, or Shuffle. The player displays the name of the track currently playing, and you can skip to the exact spot in this track. You can also see the list of your tracks and add new files to that list any time you want, up to 10 tracks total. For an unlimited number of tracks, upgrade to the full version of this app, Tray Player.

App features:
– Tiny size (dock and status menu icons);
– Drag & Drop files and folders into the app;
– 3 locations to Drag & Drop;
– Easy Play controls;
– 3 Play modes: In order, Loop and Shuffle;
– Tracks list window;
– Time scroll bar;
– Transparent background;

Max Tray Player

Trey player games

Drag & Drop your audio files into one of the 3 locations: the app window, the app icon in the status menu, or the one in the dock, choose a play mode and hit Play! Download it today!

For more information, see our Introduction screen shots.
Read the press release:


Hello and welcome to tray player. Tray Player is an app that allows you to play audio files on your computer. It doesn’t take up room on your screen since it shows up in the status menu as well as in the dock.
Right here you can feed it any files and folders. Just drag and drop your audio files into one of the three locations: the app window, the app icon in the status menu or pull into the dock. Let’s drag a drop a folder into the status menu icon. The player quickly sorts the files and folders that you dragged and dropped into the app and placed only the files that contain the audio. See it added 10 tracks to the place. So we can now try to put a few music files into the dock icon. If we add those files I’m going to have 13 tracks and if the new files we will erase the files that we added first time and will have only three music files in the player. Let’s set the files see!
The tray players controls looks like handheld mp3 player: play, pause, next, previous. You can adjust the volume right here. Then you can select to play your tracks: in order with sequentially, on the loop or shuffle them. If you want to pause the music you can either click on the pause button in the app window, or you can also hold down the control key on the keyboard and click on the icon in the status menu. Hold down the control button, see the player displays the name of the track currently played.
You can also see the list of your tracks and add new tracks to them at any time. See how easy it is download try player now!

Pioneer Pd-v0310g Twin Tray Player

Download as PDF file.

Triplayer Switch

It looks like the MAX Tray Player has been updated around 2011 and is currently free for download! BINGO! Love that it will play video and audio while living next to the system tray. I removed my snapfiles old review and rating. Updating to a full five star rating. This is my old review from 2005:'It would seem that some file formats will not play in tray player. Once I drag and drop a file it starts to play the file and then drops into stop mode. The same file is tried in WMP 9 and Zoom player and have not problems so I know it is not the file. This has happened with MP3, AVI and MPG files. I have tried four different PC's with same results (XP and WIN2k). I thought this was the best tray player around - but still bugs that need to be worked out. I emailed these findings to the developer with no response and with the release of 1.01b I see these bugs have not been fixed. Keep searching if you want an all-in-one tray player that will handle a diverse array of codecs, audio and video.' Review details